Selfcare is NOT selfish
Welcome to my page!!!
With everything going on in the economy and the world, you have to have an outlet or something you can do to release stress. That outlet can be cardio, traveling, art, singing in you're car like your Celine Dion, cleaning or meditation. Whatever the outlet is, make sure it's healthy and benefits you emotionally, physically, and spiritually. The thing about women is we forget to take care of ourselves. Putting yourself first helps you be the best version of yourself therefore able to help others.
As you view my store, you will see woodwork, epoxy, apparel, coffee mugs and several other pieces. What I can guarantee is that everything represents a part of me, a part of my stress, a part of my happiness. As a mom of 3 GIRLS and a huge cat (she is a girl too lol), I say put YOU first so that you can be your best self.
To everyone, that may look unconventional, strange, selfish or weird.....so! Being who you are unapologetically doesn't need the approval of others.